How to Recover Lost or Forgotten Password For WordPress Admin

In today’s world, WordPress is an incredibly powerful platform, but it does come with its share of occasional errors and bugs. Although WordPress has many flaws, it is the most widely used CMS platform worldwide. So we learn this post, how to recover lost or forgotten password for WordPress admin? We can fix this in two ways.

  1.  To get WordPress password from Email
  2.  Update WordPress Password from Database

Why is this issue important? If you don’t have access to WordPress, you won’t be able to make any changes or updates. So this needs to be resolved.

One potential source of problems among WordPress users is the inability to log into the WordPress admin area. There are many reasons why WordPress login issues arise and this is one of them. Now let’s see how we can fix the problems.

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1. How to get WordPress password from Email

Lost or Forgotten Password

Lost or Forgotten Password

When you enter your login search in the WordPress admin board, if your password is forgotten or lost, it will say lost password below.

If you click on that lost password, you will be asked for your email or username detail. Enter your information in that window and update.

The window will say ‘password reset email has been sent. Open the registered email and check it.



After opening the email there will be a reset password link available from WordPress.

Then follow the link and enter your new password, you will be asked to confirm the password again, enter it, and press the OK button. Now, you have reset the password.

2. How to Update WordPress Password from Database

As mentioned earlier, even if no link is sent to your email, even if you forget your registered email, let’s see how to recover it through the database.

Cpanel board

Cpanel board

First, you need to login into your CPanel. Click on phpMyAdmin under the database heading.

select table from database

select the table from the database

On the left side is the domain’s database list. Click on the database for which you want to change the password.

Edit database

Edit database

Then, the tables in the database are open. Click on the wp_users table. Now click Edit.

Reset password in database

Reset password in the database

user_pass on right side simply, enter your new password, also varchar on left side select MD5. Scroll to the last and click the Go button.

Now you have done the reset. You can login to the WordPress admin panel with your new password.

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