How to fix the issue if this error ‘HTTP ERROR 500 This Page isn’t working‘ occurs when you log in to your website or when you open any webpage.

It means your WordPress website is currently unable to handle this request. Also, your domain ‘ is currently unable to handle this request.
First of all, don’t panic. It is caused by two kinds of issues. Just fix it. The website will work fine as before.
One is a recently installed plugin. The second one was recently edited or updated code in the theme editor.
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Follow the Steps Carefully.
- Login to your cPanel
- then go to File Manager of your website
- open ‘error log file’ (right click and view)

error log file
Just Right click the error_log file and ‘view’ a windows is open at the bottom you can find what is your error. It clearly shows us whether that was a plugin issue or a code issue. After finding the plugin or code just remove it. Now its work fine. Let’s see how to remove plugin/code.
Remove the Plugin/Code.
If the problem is in the plugin
goto -> wp-content -> theme -> plugins remove plugin
If the problem is in the code
goto -> wp-content -> theme -> inc -> example.php file and remove the code which you wrongly entered and save.
Your dashboard is available and your site is visible now.
Final Step

permalink post name
After finishing 2 steps Log in your WordPress Admin board and go to settings -> permalinks dashboard. Now without any changes click on post name and ‘Save Changes’ at bottom.
Now your WordPress website works well.
Read More
- How to Migrate WordPress Site to New Host without Plugin
- How to use All-in-One WP Migration Plugin to Move New Host
- the uploaded file exceeds the upload max filesize directive in php.ini
- Domain Redirect Issue
- Check out when you free – World’s first automatic and online HTML to WordPress converter