Beginner Tips for Mobile App Developer

Choose one of the major platforms

The major platforms are android, Apple, Windows and RIM(Blackberry). Android is that the dominate market, however Apple isn’t so much behind. One of these two would be a decent place to start.

Use on-line development programs

Apple offers the iOS Dev Center. In the center, you’ll read tutorials and videos to assist you begin learn coding. android has a similar website, android Developers coaching. These days many websites across the web offer free classes and tutorials, though you can also find proper Institute classes if you would like to require it to the another level. Personally i suggesst W3Schools is a well-known web site for learning coding.


First and foremost, an app must be easy. Therefore, the main page should lead the person through the app with clear buttons, different colours, and simple navigation. Build it easy to know. That is, your user should not need to reference other pages to work out how to use your app.

Hire the help

If you need help during a particular area, think about hiring individuals on or collaborating with people who agree to take a portion of the profits as payment.

Test it for bugs

New apps always have bugs, therefore play-test your app. Have your friends test it, too, to see wherever the bugs are in order that you can fix them. It also teaches you what works and what does not work in an app. It is also necessary to get feedback on how the app and controls work. Ask your friends reviews and solved it before it went live.

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